Meeting House Matters

Quaker Life is holding three in-person events for wardens, resident Friends, volunteers, and other role-holders who are involved in the running or management of Quaker meeting houses and lettings businesses.

They will take place in Bradford-on-Avon, Lancsater and South East England, venue to be confirmed. All events will run from 10am to 4pm. One session at each in-person event will be held blended and will focus on a topic.

If you would like to attend one or more of the events please complete this online booking form. Don’t forget to press the submit button to confirm your place.

There is no charge for the event and refreshments will be included in the cost. You will need to bring (or buy locally) lunch and make your own way to and from the venue.

About Meeting House Matters

Meeting House Matters offers a valuable opportunity for those who care for meeting houses to meet with each other, share experiences and exchange ideas. We hope that this will also offer a welcome source of ongoing support.

As well as this face-to-face event Quaker Life hosts monthly video conferences to bring people together between gatherings.

  • Please select which event you would like to attend
  • We will be providing refreshments throughout the day. You will need to bring lunch or buy it locally.
  • Please include things even if you are used to working around your impairment. It is helpful for us to learn how to adapt and support people and if we don't know we can't always make a change at short notice.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Your data is collected and handled in accordance with BYM’s privacy policy which is available at,

Meeting House Matters events, Quaker Life | | 020 7663 1007