a) Allergies emergency If relevant, please detail actions to take in an emergency (in relation to allergies)
In the event of a medical emergency:
Please describe what signs or symptoms indicate an emergency for the participant.
Please detail the action to be taken in the event of an emergency,
• if and how medication should be administered and the amount
• any special precautions in relation to the medication that should be taken, e.g. signs that medication should not be given, any side effects that we need to know about
• the procedures we should take in an emergency
• include anything medical professionals need to know
• besides yourself, who should be notified, e.g. specialists, GP.
a) Allergies detail * REQUIRED Please give further details to enable us to appropriately support the participant.
• explain how it affects the participant (e.g. regularity, impact).
• if they have needed emergency treatment or have been admitted to hospital in the last year.
• if relevant how it can be avoided, prevented or minimised.
• detail any action we may need to take for example if there are any support needs (in the box below please detail how we should respond in an emergency).
• if relevant give the contact details for medical professionals or social worker.
b) Cognition and learning needs detail * REQUIRED Please give further details to enable us to appropriately support the participant.
• what are the characteristics of their need
• what type of situations do they find particularly difficult?
• what might indicate that they are struggling or finding something challenging?
• what strategies help them to manage their need?
• are there any adjustments that would further their participation?
• to what extent does their need impact on their life
i.e. do they have additional support provided e.g. extra help in school, specialist support, a statement of SEN, an EHC plan (what does this recommend)? What support do they require to further participation?
• if relevant and appropriate give the contact details for supporting professionals.
c) Communication and interaction needs detail * REQUIRED Please give further details to enable us to appropriately support the participant.
• what are the characteristics of their need?
• what type of situations do they find particularly difficult?
• what might indicate that they are struggling or finding something challenging?
• what strategies help them to manage their need?
• are there any adjustments that would further their participation?
• to what extent does their need impact on their life i.e. do they have additional support provided e.g. extra help in school, specialist support, a statement of SEN, an EHC plan (what does this recommend)?
• what support do they require to further participation?
• if relevant and appropriate give the contact details for supporting professionals.
d) Mental health conditions detail * REQUIRED Please give further details to enable us to appropriately support the participant.
• what are the characteristics of their need
• what type of situations do they find particularly difficult?
• what might indicate that they are struggling or finding something challenging?
• what strategies help them to manage their need?
• are there any adjustments that would further their participation?
• to what extent does their need impact on their life (how regularly does it have an impact, what impact does it have)?
• if relevant and appropriate give the contact details for supporting professionals
e) Physical health conditions emergency If relevant, please detail actions to take in an emergency (in relation to physical health conditions)
e) Physical health conditions detail * REQUIRED Please give further details to enable us to appropriately support the participant.
• explain how it affects the participant (e.g. regularity, impact,)
• if they have needed emergency treatment or have been admitted to hospital in the last year
• if relevant how it can be avoided, prevented or minimised
• detail any action we may need to take (how we should respond in an emergency, and if there are any support needs)
• if relevant give the contact details for medical professionals or social worker
Sensory and physical needs details * REQUIRED Please give further details to enable us to appropriately support the participant.
• what are the characteristics of their need
• are there particular situations that they find particularly difficult?
• what might indicate that they are struggling or finding something challenging?
• what strategies help them to manage their need?
• are there any adjustments that would further their participation?
• to what extent does their need impact on their life (e.g. what impact does it have)?
• if relevant and appropriate give the contact details for supporting professionals
g) Social and/or emotional needs detail * REQUIRED Please give further details to enable us to appropriately support the participant.
• what are the characteristics of their need
• what type of situations do they find particularly difficult?
• what might indicate that they are struggling or finding something challenging?
• what strategies help them to manage their need?
• are there any adjustments that would further their participation?
• to what extent does their need impact on their life (how regularly does it have an impact, what impact does it have)?
• if relevant and appropriate give the contact details for supporting professionals